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In pop culture, YADA-YADA usually means "blah, blah, blah" or "more of the same." For this blog, YADA-YADA is an acronym meaning "Young Adult Discussions About Young Adult-Designed Art." Check out my summaries and reviews of teen media. Chime in and let me know what you think!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Blog No. 18--The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays by Theresa Cheung

GENRE: YA Nonfiction (New Age/Spirituality)

Title: The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays
Author: Theresa Cheung

Bibliographic Information:
Hardcover: 752 pages
Publisher: Harper Element; First Edition (November 5, 2007)
ISBN-10: 0007261497
ISBN-13: 978-0007261499
Product Dimensions: 9.9 x 8 x 2.4 inches
Reading Level: Grade 9 and up
Reading Age: Grade 9 and up


Reader’s Annotation:
Find out about the real you, based on the day of your birth—and see how compatible you are with your friends and family.

Plot Summary:
Learn all about yourself—about your love, health, career and destiny--simply by looking up your birthday! This encyclopedia devotes two solid pages to every day of every month, giving readings very interesting, and in many cases scientifically-backed information that can inform their life. The author has painstakingly researched real science about aging, careers, health, personality and intelligence, and has come to certain correlations between traits and birthdates. In addition, the author has studied psychology, numerology, astrology and color theory as well, to give readers an entertaining—and often very accurate—view of their lives.

Critical Evaluation:
This is probably one of the most entertaining and easy-to-use books on the subject of personality and birth traits. The profiles are uncanny (I looked at mine, and that of every member of my family, and was shocked at how true the analyses were)! There is a lot of great information contained in this book. It is a great reference source for anyone interesting in learning more about themselves, their families and their friends. The author writes in a fun and entertaining, but straightforward style that makes you want to read more and more.

Reading Level/Interest Age:
Reading level is around 9th grade, but will appeal to readers both older and younger, if they are interested in this subject. Interest age is 9th grade through adult.

Information about the Author:
Theresa Cheung is well educated in psychology, as well as the spiritual arts of numerology, tarot, astrology and dreams. She comes from a family “filled with psychics and astrologers” and gave her first public tarot reading at the young age of 14. She has written more than 25 books about health, psychology and spirit, including Teen Psychics, The Element Encyclopedia of Vampires, and Angel Babies and Other Amazing True Stories. Also well known in the magazine world, Ms. Cheung has written for Fortune, Health and many others.

Curriculum Ties:

Booktalking Ideas:
A simple flip of the page to your individual birthday will tell you all you want to know about yourself—and maybe some things you don’t! This is not a horoscope, but more of a personality study based on science and spirit. An entertaining and enlightening read!

Challenge Issues:
Religious. Some people feel these are “evil” However. Libraries serve all people, and many will actually enjoy this book.

Why I Included This Book:
Students at my high school sometimes love to vege out on books like I Spy or the Guinness Books of World Records. While browsing at Borders, I came upon this book, and knew the students would love it. They do!

Cover image courtesy of:

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